End of Lease Cleaning

Moving out can be a stressful and overwhelming process, but with Blue Gum Home Services, you can rest easy knowing that your end of lease cleaning is in expert hands.

Our comprehensive and meticulous cleaning services are designed to leave your property looking its best.

We understand the importance of a thorough clean and are committed to delivering exceptional results.

What We Offer?

Interior Surfaces

Kitchens, bathrooms, laundry, toilets, bedrooms, and garages.

Windows and Tracks

Making sure windows are clear and tracks are free of debris.

Blinds and Light Fixtures

Ensuring they are dust-free and sparkling.

Ceilings and Walls

Removing all dust, grime, and cobwebs for a spotless finish.

Ceiling Fans, Switches, and Power Points

Detailed cleaning to enhance the overall appearance.

Exterior Cleaning

Effectively removing cobwebs, dirt and grime from exterior surfaces by high-pressure washing.

Get in Touch
